Life Insurance – Old

Life Insurance – OldGreater living is celebrating the best of life with the people closest to your heart. This is why you strive to provide a better life for them, one that allows them to realise their dreams while being free from financial adversity.

Your health and wellness is our concern

Awesome Achievement Management (AAM) offers a full range of flexible insurance solutions, so you and your loved ones can focus on living life to the fullest.

Life / Legacy Planning

We provide a range of life insurance plans to meet your needs at different stages of life. That way, you and your family can be protected every step of the way.

There is no greater legacy than inspiring endless possibilities

Securing the future of your loved ones is one of the greatest gifts that anyone can bestow. By creating a priceless legacy for them, you can ensure that your family will be well provided for, today and tomorrow. Although life is filled with uncertainties, we can help ensure that your legacy will not only be protected but will also be enhanced – through Great 110 Legacy.

Providing added protection against the unexpected, the plan is specially designed to endow you with extra benefits for a greater future. With Great 110 Legacy, you can confidently embrace all of life’s possibilities with a legacy that lets you go further towards realising your dreams.

Key benefits

Double protection against death or TPD

Upon death or TPD, the plan pays out in one lump sum the higher of 200% of the BSA or total premiums paid, as per the provisions of the policy.

Up to 4 times Basic Sum Assured for accidental death

A substantial Accidental Death Benefit will be payable upon accident death prior to policy anniversary of the attained age 70 years next birthday.

Guaranteed Survival Benefits

Guaranteed Survival Benefits will be payable at the end of each of the last 10 policy years, until death or surrender of the policy.

Enhanced protection with optional riders

You can enjoy greater peace of mind by attaching these riders to your Great 110 Legacy plan.

The early advantage in critical care

Early detection and diagnosis of critical illnesses improve the chances of a successful treatment while having financial support at the early stages of a critical illness can help you secure timely and appropriate treatment for the best possible outcome. This is why Great Early VantageCare 2 covers you at different stages across multiple critical illnesses, right from the start, with no wait between submissions of claims.

Great Early VantageCare 2 offers you protection should the unexpected happen. This plan also helps ensure that your loved ones will not be burdened and have the means to carry on with their lives.

Key benefits

Broad critical illness coverage

This plan offers allows you to make multiple claims for different critical illnesses, or across severity levels of the same critical illness.

Death or TPD Benefit

If death or TPD occur, your loved ones will receive the Basic Sum Assured, Additional Sum Assured, Cash Bonus, and Terminal Bonus.

Unique BuyBack option

Buyback the Death Benefit portion up to the maximum of your Basic Sum Assured once your policy is terminated due to a critical illness claim.

Maturity benefit

Upon maturity of your policy, you will receive a lump sum payment of the basic sum assured, cash bonus, and terminal bonus, less any payment made earlier under the critical iIllness benefit.

Extra protection with additional sum assured

Great Early VantageCare gives you more assurance with additional sum assured payable in the event of death or occurrence of any of the critical illnesses.

Greater living with wealth protection

Greater living is celebrating the best of life with the people closest to your heart. This is why you strive to provide a better life for them, one that allows them to realise their dreams while being free from financial adversity.

With SmartProtect Wealth 20, you have the opportunity to protect what is most precious to you, helping your loved ones carry on should the unexpected befall you. On top of high insurance coverage, this plan prioritises building your wealth by granting you access to a host of professionally managed unit funds, a flexible premium payment term and rewards to mark certain policy milestones.

You can never put a price on the happiness and wellbeing of the people you love – let SmartProtect Wealth 20 help you continue to put a smile on their faces for many years to come.

Key benefits

20 years of protection with flexible premium payment terms

SmartProtect Wealth 20 covers you for 20 years, with the flexibility of selecting your preferred premium payment term of 5, 10 or 20 years.

Additional 1% sum assured each year

Your sum assured will grow by 1% every completed policy year throughout your coverage period, up to a maximum of 30 years.

High protection against death or TPD

With coverage starting from RM500,000, SmartProtect Wealth 20 helps ensure that you and your loved ones will not be financially burdened if the worst should happen.

Additional coverage for accidental death

Upon accidental death prior to the policy anniversary of attained age 70 years next birthday, your loved ones will receive an additional amount of your basic sum assured.

The first-ever 3-generation critical illness plan

We know that family means the world to you. You strive to overcome the challenges that come your way because nothing is more important than ensuring they are always happy and well-provided for. No matter what life has in store, you want to give your children the best so they can have a secure future. At the same time, you want to provide your parents with the care they deserve for all they have done for you.

Great Generation Care addresses all your concerns to help you and your loved ones through the unexpected in life. It protects you against unfortunate incidents and critical illness, while extending complimentary critical illness and child illness coverage to your children. By adding on the optional Parent Protect Rider for your parents, you can take care of them in their golden years. With all three generations protected, your whole family can enjoy the love and happiness each day brings to make life great.

Key benefits

Comprehensive coverage against critical illnesses

Should any of the 45 covered critical illnesses occur to you, you will receive a lump sum payment of 100% of the basic sum assured or total premiums paid, whichever is higher.

Child Protect Benefit for your children

Great Generation Care automatically extends complimentary coverage against 45 critical illnesses and 11 child illnesses to all your children up to age 18 years next birthday, with no medical underwriting required.

Optional Parent Protect Rider to safeguard your parents’ golden years

By opting to attach the Parent Protect Rider, your parents can enjoy protection against Alzheimer’s Disease / Severe Dementia, Cancer, and Parkinson’s Disease, with no medical underwriting.

Protection against death or Total and Permanent Disability (TPD)

If the unexpected occurs, your loved ones will receive the higher of 100% of the basic sum assured or total premiums paid in one lump sum.

Emotional Support Benefit for additional financial assistance

For claims under the Child Protect Benefit or Parent Protect Rider (if any), an additional 1% of the basic sum assured will be payable to you in one lump sum, to help you through life’s unexpected challenges.

Return of total premiums paid or more at maturity

When your policy matures at age 80 next birthday, the higher of 100% of the basic sum assured or total premiums paid for your basic plan will be payable to you in one lump sum.

Give your family the priceless gift of love

What’s the most important thing in life? For many people, it’s family. Sharing special moments together and creating beautiful memories with them is what a great life is about. Because they are precious to you, being able to provide for them, even when you are no longer able to, is the greatest gift you can give to your loved ones.

GREAT Life Gift protects your family’s tomorrow by covering you against life’s unexpected events. With coverage for accidents, disabilities and mosquito-borne diseases, the plan also offers a hassle-free enrolment with no medical underwriting required.

For an affordable premium, you will receive coverage until you are 80 years old next birthday and a guaranteed financial reward every five years. GREAT Life Gift gives you all this so you will enjoy being with your loved ones today, with lesser worries tomorrow.

Key benefits

Affordable premiums with high coverage

From as low as RM0.93 a day, you’ll be protected by a basic sum assured as high as RM100,000. Best of all, you’ll also have long-term peace of mind with coverage until the age of 80 years next birthday.

Hassle-free enrolment with no medical underwriting

Your application is free from any health questions and medical examinations, making it easy and hassle-free for you to obtain the protection that you truly need.

Extra payout up to 3x basic sum assured for accidental death

Should the unfortunate happen no matter where you are in the world, we protect your family with an additional payout of up to 300% the basic sum assured for accidental death.

Protection against death or TPD

It’s a given that anything can happen in life – that’s why we provide cover for death or TPD, shielding your loved ones from financial uncertainties with the plans you make today.

Extra benefit for death due to mosquito-borne diseases

As Malaysia is a tropical country, this plan also provides additional coverage of 100% the basic sum assured in the event of death due to mosquito-borne diseases.

Guaranteed survival benefit of 50% annualised premium every 5 years

Reward yourself or your loved ones by celebrating life’s milestones with a survival benefit of 50% of your annualised premium at the end of every 5th policy year.

Extra financial support of RM5,000 during bereavement

To help ease the difficulty of dealing with the passing of a loved one, a RM5,000 bereavement benefit will be provided to ease your family’s financial burden in the event of death.

Protection wherever you travel with Supreme Assist

Holidaying abroad? Going on a business trip? With Supreme Assist, you’ll have access to both domestic and overseas emergency medical assistance should you need medical help.

Enjoy long-term protection that's easy on premium

Nobody can predict what tomorrow brings. But instead of leaving your loved ones’ future to chance, you can take proactive steps to ensure their financial security with Great MaxiProtector. In an uncertain world, it’s a great way to show them you care, while ensuring your own peace of mind.

Great MaxiProtector is an affordable whole life insurance plan that matures at the age of 99. Depending on your needs and budget, it provides you with the insurance coverage you need. Should an unexpected event happen, and you are unable to provide protection for your loved ones, it will help to take care of their needs when they require financial assistance most.

Key benefits

Affordable protection for life

Offering lifetime protection, Great MaxiProtector helps ensure greater financial stability for you and your loved ones.

Financial security for your family

The plan ensures that your family will have the resources to maintain their way of life by paying the basic sum assured in a lump sum if death occurs.

Be protected against TPD

Upon Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) before the age of 65, the basic sum assured will be paid, to help meet the needs of you and your family.

Maturity Benefit

Upon maturity of the plan, the basic sum assured will be paid out.

Boost your protection with added benefits

Enhance your protection even further by adding supplementary benefits/riders that provide additional protection such as coverage for critical illness, or accidents.

Affordable term life protection made easy

Ensuring you have access to essential protection is crucial so that your family can lead their lives comfortably with less financial worries, even in your absence. Discover an alternative way to safeguard yourself and your loved ones against life’s uncertainties with Great Term Direct.

Great Term Direct is an affordable protection plan that can be purchased directly from Great Eastern Life, without any intermediaries involved in sales or marketing. The plan provides essential coverage with a reasonably low premium payment and allows you the flexibility to choose your preferred sum assured amount that suits your financial and protection needs.

Great Eastern Life Assurance (Malaysia) Berhad (93745-A) is licensed under the Financial Services Act 2013 and is regulated by Bank Negara Malaysia.

Key benefits

Affordable premiums till 80 years

You will receive protection till the age of 80 years next birthday.

Financial cushion during bereavement

Your loved ones will receive the first RM5,000 of the Basic Sum Assured upfront upon the death of the Life Assured.

Death Benefit

If death occurs, the balance of the Basic Sum Assured will be payable after deduction of the Bereavement Benefit.

Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Benefit

If TPD occurs prior to age 65 years next birthday, you will receive the Basic Sum Assured in accordance with the TPD provisions of your policy.

Easy application

It is easy for you to obtain the protection you need. You just need to answer some simple health related questions and are not required to undergo any medical examinations in order to apply for this plan. All insurance applications are subject to Great Eastern Life’s underwriting and acceptance.

The protection advantage in critical care

A critical illness diagnosis is one of the most distressing news that anyone can receive due to the immense toll it takes on a person’s physical, mental and financial wellbeing, especially in the advanced stages.

Great VantageCare 2 can help alleviate some of your worries during such critical moments by giving you greater certainty in securing the treatment you need and the peace of mind to focus on your recovery. It is an ideal protection plan that looks after you in the event of an Advanced Stage critical illness. It also helps ensure that you are not a financial burden to your loved ones should Total and Permanent Disability occur.

Key benefits

Critical Illness coverage

Should critical illness occur1 , you will receive the Basic Sum Assured, Additional Sum Assured, Cash Bonus, and Terminal Bonus.

Death or TPD benefit

If death or TPD occur, your loved ones will receive the Basic Sum Assured, Additional Sum Assured, Cash Bonus, and Terminal Bonus.

Unique BuyBack option

Buyback the death benefit portion up to the maximum of your Basic Sum Assured once your policy is terminated due to critical illness claims.

Extra protection with Additional Sum Assured

This plan gives you more assurance with Additional Sum Assured payable in the event of death or occurrence of any of the critical illnesses.

Maturity Benefit

Upon maturity of your policy, you will receive a lump sum payment of the Basic Sum Assured; Cash Bonus; and Terminal Bonus, less any payment made earlier for Angioplasty and other invasive treatments for coronary artery disease.

Enhanced protection with optional riders

Enhance the protection you have. Tailor it to your needs with supplementary riders that provide additional protection such as coverage for accidents, or hospitalisation.

Comprehensive protection from as low as RM100 per month

SmartProtect Essential 3 (“SmartProtect Essential”) helps you to achieve your financial freedom with greater confidence. This affordable life protection plan allows you to work towards your personal goals and live the life you desire, while providing you with a personal safety net.

From as low as RM100 a month, you will enjoy comprehensive coverage against life’s unexpected events and a host of features that will help you save for the future. You can customise your protection plan with wide range of riders and coverage term options to create the ideal plan that will help you LIVE GREAT.

Key benefits

Protection starting from just RM100 a month

Starting from just RM100 a month, this investment-linked insurance plan offers you life coverage and an investment allocation that grows over time.

Various coverage term options to suit your life goals

SmartProtect Essential provides you coverage term options of up to age 70, 80 or 90 years next birthday. Your plan also comes with an automatic 10-year extension of coverage at maturity.

Additional 1% sum assured each year

An additional 1% of your basic sum assured will be provided to you upon every completed policy year, should death or TPD2 occur, up to a maximum of 30%.

Protection against death and TPD

Should death or TPD occur, the basic sum assured, additional sum assured and total investment value will be payable to you.

No-Lapse Guarantee as a safety net

SmartProtect Essential comes with a ‘No-Lapse Guarantee’ in the first 3 policy years. This valuable feature ensures that your policy will continue to remain in-force, even if your total investment value becomes zero, so long as premiums are paid consistently and no withdrawal is made within the first 3 policy years.

Boosted protection with optional riders

You can enjoy further peace of mind by attaching riders to your SmartProtect Essential plan.

Chart a secure future for your child

As you look forward to growing your family with your child, it pays to plan ahead – the earlier, the better. That’s because you want to ensure your child is properly prepared against life’s uncertainties and is set to enjoy a bright future right from the start of their life.

With SmartProtect Junior, you can protect your little bundle of joy by providing long-term life insurance protection, or if you opt for the Smart Baby Shield rider, even before your child is born. At the same time, you will be preparing your child for a bright future with access to professionally managed investment funds. You can be rest assured that your child can grow up protected and prepared for the future.

Key benefits

Protection with investment allocation

SmartProtect Junior gives you access to professionally managed unit funds on top of life coverage for your child until age 100 next birthday.

Additional 1% sum assured each year

Your sum assured grows by 1% of the basic sum assured with every completed policy year, should death or TPD occur, up to the end of the 30th policy year.

Protection against death or TPD

Should death or TPD occur to your child, the basic sum assured, additional sum assured, and total investment value will be payable to you.

No-Lapse Guarantee

SmartProtect Junior comes with a No-Lapse Guarantee in the first 3 policy years, which ensures that your policy remains inforce even if your total investment value becomes zero, so long as your premiums are paid consistently and no withdrawal is made within the first 3 policy years.

Maturity benefit

Once your policy matures, you will receive 100% of your total investment value.

Financial flexibility for a secure tomorrow

SmartProtect Junior lets you tailor your protection and investment levels to further safeguard your child’s financial security in the future. You have the option of boosting the investment value of your policy via single-premium top-ups, subject to a minimum of RM1,000.

Optional education savings for your child

To assist you in building an education fund for your child’s future, SmartProtect Junior can come with IL EduSaver, an optional regular premium investment-linked top-up.

Boosted protection with other additional optional riders

You can choose to add optional riders to your SmartProtect Junior plan, giving you greater peace of mind.

There is no greater legacy than inspiring endless possibilities

Precautionary measures are crucial to safeguard your loved ones against the challenges they may encounter when you are no longer with them. While you may not be able to predict what the future will hold, you can protect and strengthen your financial security with some planning now.

With SmartProtect Legacy Max, you can ensure that you have sufficient financial resources to take care of your loved ones if the unexpected strikes. On top of the benefit of life insurance and coverage till the age of 100 next birthday, this plan grants you access to a host of professionally managed unit funds and a flexible premium payment term to suit your goals. This will help provide a greater, brighter and more secure financial future for your loved ones – even the generations to come.

Key benefits

Longer protection with flexible premium payment terms

SmartProtect Legacy Max allows you to enjoy long-term coverage until age 100 next birthday, with premium payment term options of 5, 10, 20 or 30 years.

Additional 1% sum assured each year

An additional 1% of your Basic Sum Assured will be provided to you upon every completed policy year, should death or TPD occur, up to a maximum of 30%.

Booster reward to celebrate policy milestones

A booster reward of 12% of your Basic Sum Assured will be credited into your TIV account, provided the policy is in-force and all premiums due are paid up-to-date.

High protection against death and TPD

With coverage starting from RM500,000, your loved ones will not be financially burdened should death or TPD occur.

Additional coverage for accidental death

You will receive an additional amount of your Basic Sum Assured in one lump sum upon accidental death prior to the policy anniversary of age 70 years next birthday.

Security of No-Lapse Guarantee

SmartProtect Legacy Max comes with a No-Lapse Guarantee in the first 6 policy years. This valuable feature ensures that your policy will continue to remain in-force even if your TIV becomes zero, so long as your premiums are paid consistently and no withdrawals are made in the first 6 policy years.

Financial flexibility for a secure tomorrow

To safeguard your family’s financial security in the future, you can bolster the resources you leave them with the option of boosting the investment value of your policy via single premium top-ups.

Boosted protection with optional riders

You can enjoy greater peace of mind by attaching optional riders to your SmartProtect Legacy Max plan.

Wealth protection to safeguard your future

The future always brings with it new and exciting possibilities, but can also present its fair share of challenges. With rising expenses in a fast-paced world, working towards your goals while taking care of your family may seem like an increasingly daunting task.

SmartProtect Sure will shield you from the unexpected while giving you the freedom to pursue your aspirations. On top of the benefit of life protection for 30 years or up to age 70 years next birthday, whichever is later, this plan also provides you financial flexibility by offering you various premium payment term options according to your level of commitment. Take your wealth further with access to a host of professionally managed unit funds and even monetary rewards to mark certain policy milestones.

Key benefits

High protection against life’s unexpected events

With coverage starting from RM500,000, SmartProtect Sure provides your loved ones with sufficient financial resources to carry on from unexpected events like death, TPD and accidental death.

Extra safety net of 1% additional sum assured each year

Your sum assured will grow by 1% every completed policy year throughout your coverage period, up to a maximum of 30 years.

Guaranteed insurance charge rates

This plan and its attachable riders come with insurance charge rates that remain unchanged throughout your entire policy term.

Long-term protection with flexible premium payment terms

SmartProtect Sure covers you for 30 years or up to age 70 years next birthday, whichever is later, and comes with the flexibility of selecting your preferred premium payment term of 5, 10, 20 or 30 years.

Rewards to celebrate policy milestones

Once your policy matures, you will receive 100% of your total investment value less indebtedness (if any), as well as a maturity booster of 12% of the basic sum assured.

Optional conversion of your plan at maturity

Upon maturity of your SmartProtect Sure plan, you can choose to purchase a level sum assured endowment or whole life policy.

Security of No-Lapse Guarantee

SmartProtect Sure comes with a No-Lapse Guarantee in the first 6 policy years. This valuable feature ensures that your policy will continue to remain in-force even if your total investment value becomes zero, so long as your premiums are paid consistently and no withdrawals are made in the first 6 policy years.

Financial flexibility for a secure tomorrow

To safeguard your family’s financial security in the future, you can bolster the resources you leave them with the option of boosting the investment value of your policy via single premium top-ups.

Boosted protection with optional riders

You can enjoy further peace of mind by attaching various optional riders to your SmartProtect Sure plan.

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