
TakafulTakaful is a type of Islamic insurance wherein members contribute money into a pool system to guarantee each other against loss or damage. We provide an extensive range of protection plans to suit your diverse needs.

We Protect, We Care, We Share

Takaful is commonly referred to as Islamic insurance

Takaful is a type of Islamic insurance wherein members contribute money into a pool system to guarantee each other against loss or damage. Takaful-branded insurance is based on sharia or Islamic religious law, which explains how individuals are responsible to cooperate and protect one another. Takaful policies cover health, life, and general insurance needs.

Takaful insurance companies were introduced as an alternative to those in the commercial insurance industry, which are believed to go against Islamic restrictions on riba (interest), al-maisir (gambling), and al-gharar (uncertainty) principles—all of which are outlawed in sharia.

All human activities are subject to risk of loss from unforeseen events. To alleviate this burden to individuals, what we now call insurance has existed since at least 215 BC (Year 215 BC was a year of the pre-Julian Roman calendar). This concept has been practiced in various forms for over 1400 years. It originates from the Arabic word Kafalah, which means “guaranteeing each other” or “joint guarantee”. The concept is in line with the principles of compensation and shared responsibilities among the community.

Takaful originated within the ancient Arab tribes as a pooled liability that obliged those who committed offences against members of a different tribe to pay compensation to the victims or their heirs. This principle later extended to many walks of life, including sea trade, in which participants contributed to a fund to cover anyone in a group who suffered mishaps on sea voyages.

The Benefits of Takaful

Through the spirit of cooperation and joint-responsibilities among participant, the act of charity and benevolence allows participants the opportunity to obtain two forms of benefit. First the monetary benefits through the Takaful plan itself. Secondly the “benefits” in the spiritual sense, through the act of Tabarru’ (donation), participants will receive God’s grace and blessings in life Hereafter. The Takaful system does not differentiate color or creed; it is meant to benefit all participants, irrespective of their religious beliefs.

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