Income Replacement

Income ReplacementThe most important of the sickness insurance is the critical illness insurance. Critical illness insurance is an insurance policy handled by an insurance company for specific major diseases such as malignant tumors, myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, etc.

Income replacement, what should you know?

The most important of the sickness insurance is the critical illness insurance. Critical illness insurance is an insurance policy handled by an insurance company for specific major diseases such as malignant tumors, myocardial infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, etc. When an insured person suffers from one of these diseases, the insurance company will compensate the insured person according to the insured amount. Critical illness insurance pays claims to the insured upon receipt of complete claim documents, i.e. once the insured is diagnosed with a critical illness as defined in the insurance contract, the insurance company immediately gives a lump sum payment of the insured amount and there is no actual reimbursement.

In a family, if the main worker is unable to work due to a major illness, the life of the family is bound to change, and there are many things to consider – can the available funds cover the patient’s rehabilitation, examination and treatment, and other expenses that are beyond the scope of health insurance? Can other family members still maintain their daily expenses and quality of life? When a family is unfortunately suffering from an illness, we do not want them to suffer again because of financial constraints.

When a family is hit by a serious illness, a critical illness insurance policy may be able to greatly relieve the financial stress caused by medical expenses. If you have been having doubts about critical illness insurance, you may want to know the following three things first.

1. Critical illness insurance covers a range of major diseases

A common misconception about critical illness insurance for people who are not very familiar with insurance is that its coverage is limited to certain cancers. However, in reality, many critical illness policies cover many illnesses ranging from malignant tumors, acute myocardial infarction, severe facial burns, to severe Alzheimer’s disease and the need for major organ transplants. While you may have never thought this could happen to you or a family member, we should not rule out the possibility and planning ahead is not a bad thing and should be done as early as possible.

2. Critical illness insurance provides direct cash support

What often follows with a major illness is the expense of money. One of the major advantages of critical illness insurance is that once diagnosed, it can pay out a larger amount at once, either for household expenses or medical expenses, which you can use according to your actual needs.

3. Critical illness insurance is different from medical insurance

In addition to the difference in coverage, the key difference between critical illness insurance and medical insurance is the way you are paid: critical illness insurance is a payout type, where you will receive a lump sum when you are diagnosed with a specified illness, while medical insurance is a post facto insurance, where the amount of compensation depends on the amount of medical expenses spent and there is a cap on compensation. In contrast, critical illness insurance can provide support for your medical expenses and stabilize your financial situation in the first place when you are unable to face the huge medical expenses.

Imagine an illness striking you or a family member. Many people think this is an unfounded worry, but illness doesn’t allow you to be prepared when it happens. Personal financial security is certainly the number one priority when illness strikes and deserves everyone’s time and careful consideration.

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